25 May, 2008

Made 2 Measure Fenders and Marinestore Chandlers

example personalised boat fender
example branded boat fender
I am chuffed to bits to announce that Marinestore Chandlers will be offering our personalised fenders via their on line store Marinestore Chandlers, as well as in their 4 UK based stores at Maldon, Burnham on Crouch, Walton on the Naze and West Mersea.

Marinstore Chandlers recently received a prestigious award for their retail achievements at the BBex show 2008.

18 May, 2008

Made 2 Measure Fenders RIBEX 2008

Parker RIB
Wahoo RIB branded boat fender
Predator Rib branded boat fender
We had 3 customers exhibiting at RIBEX this year, Parker RIBS, MRL (Predator and Stingher RIBS) and Wahoo RIBS. All had our fenders on display - thanks guys.

We also received a lot of interest from other RIB companies and are very hopeful that we will soon have a number of them as customers.

One of the highlights of our visit was a blast in a Parker RIB. With 2 x 250 on the back it wasn't slow. The donuts were entertaining, especially when they were so tight water was coming on board. Great fun - but I can't help thinking driving one would be more fun than hanging on like a lunatic with flattened cheeks and tears streaming - despite sunglasses.

The RNLI weren't impressed bless them - something about speeding within the Medina - at least I thinks thats what they said. Cheers Rich - hope for a repeat soon.

Made 2 Measure Fenders Dubai Boat Show

M2M fenders stand Dubai Boat Show 2008
We exhibited again at the Dubai Boat Show 2008 and received a lot of interest in our branded boat fenders from a number of boat builders, dealers and distributors in Dubai and the Middle East region.

We look forward to doing business in the region before the end of 2008.